Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
For Real ?
Two Swedish Olympic track and field champions, Carolina Klüft, heptathlon, and Stefan Holm, high jump, have come out in support of the idea of having athletes implanted with GPS chips to more easily track their whereabouts for antidoping controls.
"I have suggested earlier that you could operate a data chip under the skin on athletes on a certain level. Or maybe use a chain ring with a GPS transmitter on the training bag. Then everyone would know where to find us for tests. I wouldn't complain. I think we are obligated to accept most things to stop doping," said Klüft who won the women's pentathlon gold in Athens 2004. "You are so supervised anyway so it wouldn't make much of a difference. "That would be the easiest way even though it sounds science fiction and absurd," said high jump champion Stefan Holm.
More on cyclingnews.comThursday, December 20, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
For Sale...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving = Go Shop and Ride!

So today was not only After-Thanksgiving Day but also a good opportunity to save some $$$ when shopping for stuff you need (or at least think you need). Together with Sheri and Thomas, we went to Circuit City @ 4:30am hoping to get a $229 Desktop PC. Well, we did expect some other shoppers but not the 500 (!) standing in line at that time already (see picture left). By the time we got in, the guys at CC told us that they had given out vouchers for the early-birds on special deals, including our "target", the Desktop PC. Well, I did another run at 10am and was more lucky this time when going for a print-fax-copy-scan machine for $50 and a Magellan 3100 Nav. system.
Tomorrow it's time for another solid ride and Sunday we'll head towards A-town in order to scope out a few more things in the housing market.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Offroad - [awf-rohd, of-]
Both Sheri and me rode some borrowed Giant Warp DS3 bikes which are right at 33lbs a piece...That's twice my road bike!!! Some people say to stay away from that CCM (Cheap China Metal) but hey, they were for free and I couldn't take the road bike ;-) After all, the legs are the important part in bike racing...
I decided to do the sport category, along with Brian, Francis, Adam (single-speed category), and Sheri, who was the lonely girl out there that day. After a slow start and clip-in issues I couldn't believe how FAST people would go off in a 90min race. My HR was locked at 190 for the first 5minutes and I slowly managed to pass some people. I rolled up to Brian and we raced for probably an hour "together" (if you can say on a single-trail). It got too technically for me though and I had to let skinny Brian go and race my own race. I was in third. Francis crashed out prior to that. Towards the end I could use more my road skills and use the flats to catch up on Brian just before the finish to make it a 2-3 for the "roadies", while a guy from Wisconsin (a 'real' biker) took the win.
Tour of Arkansas...What?

Make sure to check out the Tour's web site at www.tour-of-arkansas.com
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"Real World", here I come...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Mercy Celebrity Classic - last race of the year?

Thanks to Hector, the Mercy Club Team and some generous sponsors from the Ft. Smith area we all got to enjoy a nice Cookout at the Pepper Source Lake House with some good food and also "liquid nutrition".
Sunday's race was almost a copy of the day before except that this time Jensen showed everyone why he already won 20+ races this year and soloed to the win. I was "on duty" in the field, while 4 of my teammates were in a break of 10 riders. After the field got smaller and smaller I went with a group including Jewell, Vargas, Tilford and some others. The race was decided by then but it gave us all a little extra "workout" before calling it a season. I ended up leaving them and finished 11th. That was average, but I can't be every day in the break and my teammates did a good job up there and we put again 5 guys in the Top11 which gave all of us a nice extra "end-of-season budget"...
You can find pictures here: http://www.photoshelter.com/usr-show/U0000IP8REaQyQPM
And, check out this cool video being filmed at Day 1 of the "Classic".
Friday, September 28, 2007
2 1/2 days of Vegas

You can watch the race on-demand for free at WCSN.com
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
From Denton to Vegas
Arriving Friday afternoon from a 15hour plane trip was not ideal for a 75min crit but I can't complain: it was fun and I got in the right move with the THSJ boys Vargas and Jewell. To show you deep I had to dig just to get 3rd place here's are some numbers: HR avg. 191 bpm, time 1:15h, avg. Speed 25.9mph.
After 24hours of rest Sunday's downtown crit went way smoother. I got in the right early move again, this time with 8 riders, and we lapped the field with 7 to go.
THSJ had 3 guys up there so I knew repeating my win from last year would be very tough, although I had my buddy veggieburger with me in the break :-)
Going into the last corner I was 5th wheel but couldn't close it to Vargas and Fawley and settled for 3rd, again. Thanks to Christian + GS Tenzing for putting on a cool end-of-season event and letting me DJ my first crit - the women race that was ;-)
Now its time for Interbike and some more crit action Thursday night...you can follow it live on wcsn.com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
kaltes Deutschland (cold Germany)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
getting some quality miles in
Will keep you up-to-date how it goes....make sure to check out the Tour of Missouri Live Coverage in the upper-left hand corner of the blog.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Kicking it in St. Lou

Bam-Bam, me, the Greek, McLovin, Cagle, Fid, Ank the Tank before the start of Stage 2 of Gateway-Cup on Washington Ave in "St. Lou". Did a lot of "work" over the last 4 days, collected some primes, finishing in the bunch except Monday University "Loop" in Stage 4 where I made the Top 5.
Worth going to the movies for: SUPERBAD
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Special TBI Wednesday Nighter

Surfer, Crozzy, Dave O, Nathan, Matt, Colt, Parker, a few more horsepower and myself raced together in TBI jerseys, the team Ivan was racing on while leading the Junior Open category in the Texas-Cup. It was a whole lot of fun and they had primes EVERY lap. That was sure the most $$$-stacked Training Crit I've ever done (but all winnings went right back to the promoter for Ivan). Nathan and me were in a 4-man move for probably 6 laps or so and I would pull and he would win the primes ;-) Later, Crozzy and myself were in a break of three and I sent him off the front solo (I think he hated me for that...). Finally, it came to a sprint of maybe 15 guys and Dave O saved it for our little mixed/all-star/tribute-giving squad by edging out Wed Night King and soon-to-be married Justin Wallace.
The race and several donations that day came up with a total of $3,000...not bad at all! Andy Hollinger and friends are setting up an Ivan Mukasa Memorial Scholarship Fund and if you wanna help email Andy at andy@aghollinger.org
HHH and the "Alex Show"

The HHH director mentioned prior to the Crit that the last thing he wants is a Mercy rider to win the race - oh Boy, that motivated us even more ;-) Alex made the crucial move with about 10 other guys at 30min to go after crashing (!) just 10 minutes before. You can read the entire story here in the local paper. He soloed away with a lap to go and the SL and Toyota guys never saw him again. Thanks to Alex's efforts, I could chill in the pack, take a Festina prime, and roll in w/ what was left from the main bunch.
After an early wake-up call we started off at 6:50am to take on the 100mile RR. Well, you can hide the lack of fitness in a Crit but not in a 100mile race in the win, heat, and chip-'n seal road of North Texas. The plan was obviously to try to keep Alex out of trouble but we didn't really had the numbers and horsepower to pull it off. We sent our African, Speerchucker, in the early break hoping that he would make us some $$$. I did what I could for the first 45 miles and then, out of nowhere, Alex sneaked away from the field, w/ out a whole lot of people recognizing it. Some Successful Living guys and couple of others came up to me on the way to Burkburnett asking where Alex is ;-) That was funny. He made it up to the break like he did last year and everything looked to be set. Fiddler jumped across later, too and I was again the domestique sitting in what was left of the pack. By mile 70, my legs said "no more" and I decided for my own good, after doing what I had to do, to call it a day and I rode home w/ Thacker Reeves of RBM who was pretty exhausted, too. We stopped at Friberg Church, found a water hose, and enjoyed gallons off water in an attempt to hydrate our bodies. It was fun. Alex ended up 14th on the day and 4th Overall. Not bad at all considering we didn't really had our A-squad here this year and I was well-off my form after honeymoonin' it in Germany. Time will come and I'm back!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
5-3-1 - go! Tour of KC
Friday: I got up way to tired as the night before was a busy one working a new part-time job for the local newspaper. I even slept through my appointment with the Physical Therapist...after a caffeinated 3 1/2 hour drive to Tulsa I met up with Alex and Jane and with the help (?) of "Maggie" we got to KC at 8pm; 30minutes before the start. My eyes were about to close after being up so long. The heat and humidity in scary empty downtown KC, KS, was brutal. But we gotta do it and I went with plan B - tail gunning it for 30minutes. I felt better and better later on and was off the front for a couple of laps but the batteries were only halfway charged so I was swallowed up by the field not too much later. Trek/VW and Jensen rode - again - an aggressive race and my teammates did a good job being in the moves, too. Mat managed to get 5th, Nick 7th and I buried myself the last 1 1/2 lap to set up Chad for the field sprint - with me ending up OTB in 39th place ;-(
Saturday: Did I mention it was HOT (102F) in KC? For all of you who don't know what the Cliff Drive circuit race is - it's like an Miss'N out race on the road with some nice little, steep climbs in KC, MO. Survival is probably the most appropriate word to describe the goal for most racers when doing 18 3mile laps on this challenging course. Along with the theory "Attack is the best defense" I jumped with Steve Tilford, Bill Stolte, a Bagel guy, and a Mesa Cycles rider after two laps and we quickly built a nice lead. After a couple of more laps a group with the contenders came up to us including Jensen, Dziewa, Dickey and my teammate Alex. I wanted to keep on going but Alex, "Mr. Calm" himself, told me to wait and we told our "feed zone chicks" to give Mat and Chad the order to bridge up to us. And they did. So we were 4 Mercy guys in the front move now. Skinny Alex looked the best and he went with Tilford one more time and was later joined by Jensen, Dickey and two BIG sharks. Alex got third, Chad 6th and I let Mat pass me just before the line because until that day he was our Omnium guy (your welcome!). The last tim eup the hill I tried to go as fast as possible but halfway through the engine overcooked ;-)

Thanks to Amber, Helen, Becca, and Mr. Bick in the feed zone - I must have taken 15 bottles and at least 20 full-on-face-cold-water-splashes ;-)
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
40K time trials
Next up is tonight's Wednesday Nighter and Tour of Kansas City from Friday - Sunday. Should be fun.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
1-2-1 and first Triathlon Win!
Saturday: After a very short night we drove out to Aubrey to do the monthly Horse Country Time Trial organized by Kevin Hill aka DallasBikr. The 20K TT with some serious rolling hills was a good test for next week's state TT for many participants including me. I just rode right at my threshold the entire time and fell short 15 seconds to Comp. Depot's "young gun" Shane D. I definitively could feel the legs from Thursday's training where I rode a 40K at threshold pace.

Sunday: I skipped the "Festival of Speed" at the Superdrome (too many sprinters and crashes...) the night before and tried my hand on something else: a triathlon. They had a Sprint Tri in Flower Mound and with a 350m swim, 16mile bike, and a 5K run I was aiming to get Top 3. It worked out even better as I jumped in my Speedos at 6am (yes, I was the only one in those...), swam a 6:15, spent too much time in transition, past many people on the bike and suffered through the run: I won!
One thing I learned from the whole triathlon experience this morning: We all can be very lucky and thankful to promoters about the payouts amateur cycling has to offer. Because in a Triathlon, unless you are a pro, you gotta pay $80 entry fee and get a medal for your win. And yeah, it's an even more expensive sport, too. To give you an idea what a average triathlete spends on her/his "hobby" vs. me, the new guy on the block, I came up with that list:
- Swim (Tri-guy): Goggles ($25), Swim Latex Cap ($5), Swim/Run/Bike Suit ($120), Timex watch ($60)
- Swim (me): Speedos ($15, couple of years ago)
- Bike (tri-guy): Scott Plasmas, Orbea Ordus, Trek TTXs, etc., ect. ($6K), saddle bottle-cages w/ extra CO2's ($30)
- Bike (me): '05 Specialized S-Works Road Frame, Ultegra group, Made in China Front wheel, very used clincher disc, self-made aerobars (maybe $1500 if I sell it on eBay...)
- Run (Tri-guy): Race Belt ($20), IronMan Hat ($20, unless you actually went to Hawaii), newest pair of Oakley's ($120), shiny NEW shoes ($100), same Swim/Run/Bike Suit like mentioned earlier
- Run (me): Mercy Cycling Shorts + Socks ($20, since their '06 model and worn), 4-year old Nike's ($10), T-Shirt (free)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tour de Who ?
So who's gonna win the Tour now? Any bids? Leave a comment of your Final Top Three Podium. But be aware, some guys might be involuntarily pulled from "Le Tour" before Sunday's showdown on the Champs d'Elysee in Paris.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Got a chain?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday, Tour de Delta Hill Climb: Another day of racing in the rain. This time only 700 meters uphill. Got the pleasure to race vs. local semi-retired Gord Fraser up the steep road. Like others, we spun our wheels because of the slippery road but I managed to get 12th; 8 seconds down on race winner Zach Bell (Team Symmetrics, of course).
Side note: At 3 of the past 6 races I recall the smell of freshly smoked "pot". It's very legal here in Vancouver...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Beach in Canada?
Later the day I got to see more of Vancouver, this time the "Folk Fest", basically a party/EXPO with and for a bunch of "alternative" people from Vanc. We also walked on the beach and got some really good greek food. Okay, gotta go and spin out the legs for Wednesday's Tour de Gastown, the 2nd race in BC Superweek.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Superweek - Canadian Style
A few pictures from a ride we did earlier today to spin out the legs before tonight's crit in White Rock.